How To Know It's Time You Leveled Up!
Honestly, I'm comfortable. I like my life. Why should I step up a level? What about you? Is it time you stepped up? Or perhaps you're...
Are You Enough, Really?
You may fake it well on the surface, but I know you worry about whether you know enough, whether you are good enough, whether you are...
Are you strangling your inner pioneer?
Each of us have a calling within in us to express our uniqueness in this world, to do things our way, and yet most people I meet, at the...
Navigating Life with Your Personal Compass
We consistently seek answers from the outside world, to what is bothering us. We think others know more than we do. They do, about...
You're leaving holes in the World Tapestry
So you think what you do with your life doesn't matter; it's your life so if you make a difference it's your choice, and if you do very...
#5 Life Purpose: Permission to be Me!
To get that sense of satisfaction that comes from living or fulfilling your Life Purpose you need to grasp one major fact: The first step...
#4 Life Purpose: Make better choices for me!
If you're anything like me and most of the people I know, you are struggling with all sorts of overwhelm. It may be information overload,...
#3 Life Purpose: Why do I need to know it?
You don't. The truth is many people get through their lives fairly happily without ever finding out what their true Life Purpose is. My...
#2 Life Purpose: Why isn't my passion enough?
Ever gone chasing after what you love only to find yourself losing interest in it after a while, thinking "...this isn't what I expected....
#1 Life Purpose: What is it?
Purpose is our focus, our intention, our reason to do something or act a certain way. When we seek purpose in our lives, we are usually...