How To Know It's Time You Leveled Up!
Honestly, I'm comfortable. I like my life. Why should I step up a level? What about you? Is it time you stepped up? Or perhaps you're...

Your Personal Road Map Is At Your Fingertips
Sometimes don't you just wish someone would hand you a road map that says "do this", "go there", "follow these guidelines and everything...

Struggling to See Your Path Ahead?
Are you struggling to see the right way ahead for you? If you're anything like me you'd so much prefer to know where you are going and...

Navigating Life with Your Personal Compass
We consistently seek answers from the outside world, to what is bothering us. We think others know more than we do. They do, about...

#1 Life Purpose: What is it?
Purpose is our focus, our intention, our reason to do something or act a certain way. When we seek purpose in our lives, we are usually...

The Ups & Downs of Going With The Flow & Goal Setting
Are you a planner? You know... goals, focus, detail. Or are you more of a go with the flow person; you like to just see what happens and...