Ideal Clients: It's Not Your Fault They're Not Buying!

You may know your perfect clients, they may know you, they may even like you, so why aren't they buying from you?
Think about it for a moment.
Who do you know offering a service that you need, a person or company you already like either because you know them in person or because of their marketing, and yet you haven't bought from them. Why not?
Perhaps you might say "The timing isn't right for me" or "I've haven't got the money at the moment". I'm sure you've heard that from your ideal clients who aren't buying from you too, but is that really the truth?
You know it isn't. We always find the money and the time for things that we want.
But think about when you do find the time and money for those things, who do you buy them from?
In most cases it'll be from places where the expectations you have, are consistently met; places that seem to have similar values to those that matter to you; places you can trust to deliver what they say they deliver, in the way that they say they will deliver it.
So if your ideal clients are telling you they're not buying because they don't have the money or the timing isn't right or what you're offering just isn't for them, it is likely they don't trust you to give them what they need.
They aren't buying because there is a mismatch between what your marketing suggests, how you personally show up, how you deliver your expertise, service or product and what people say about you when you're not around.
Here are some examples of how to mess up future sales:
Behaviour mismatch: When out networking you come across as quietly confident, a real listener but once I work with you, you take over and tell me what I have to do rather than let me be heard and guide me.
Image mismatch: You having the most amazing, professional online marketing and images of yourself but when we meet you in person you look pretty casual and laid back even though you act very professional.
Delivery mismatch: Your marketing is clear, consistent and matching across your leaflets, website, business cards, blog and so on. You come across as a strategist, someone whose focus is on fast, effective, problem-solving, but when I work with you, you are so much more about the deep and meaningful chats and really caring about me. The thing is I never bought that. I bought the fast, effective, problem-solving.
Value mismatch: You position yourself as a catalyst in your field but when I buy I discover you're more a slow-burn, play it fairly safe type, lacking the inspiration and quick, powerful results I'd expect from a catalyst.
There goes the trust... your marketing, your image, how you deliver your expertise and how you behave don't match.
The thing is It's Not Your Fault!
You're so busy not trusting yourself and listening to all the other so-called experts out there that you're not doing the one thing that makes you worth paying for: being yourself, the best version of yourself, sharing what you are really naturally gifted at.
When you do that you will always act in alignment with who you are, and so it makes sense to market yourself the way you naturally act. Align what you say in your marketing with who you naturally are. Align how you deliver your expertise with how you show up in public and in private. This will avoid the mismatching messages you've been giving out, building trust, and your marketing will get the attention of clients who will love you, what you do and how you do it naturally.
Yep, you may be designed to be the Vauxhall Station Wagon rather than the Range Rover Evoque in your field of interest, but some people want a Vauxhall Station Wagon not the Range Rover Evoque! Also there is no point thinking you should be the beat-up VW Beetle, when you're designed to be a big-wheeled, flashy pick-up truck.
Be who you are naturally designed to be. Step into your natural brilliance. It's so much easier, so much more relaxing and you'll become a powerful magnet for those perfect clients who will resonate with who you are naturally.
If you're not sure who you are designed to be, or blind to your natural brilliance, then you might find a workshop I'm doing very useful. Click here to find out more about it.
I love reading your feedback so please do take a moment to share the personal a-ha's this article has raised for you, and what you are going to do differently as a result, in the comments below.
Want to know more?
Sign up for my emails in the box to the top right of this article and I'll give you access to the "What Is Your Natural Brand?" video where you can work out your Natural Brand for yourself.
Also, there are a number of live video recordings on the Hands-on-Business Facebook page where I go into greater detail about different aspects of your life purpose, showing up, your business and what is in your hands and fingerprints.
I'm Helen Elizabeth Evans, a London based life purpose coach and consultant. I work with women in business (and open-minded men!) to powerfully awaken their life purpose work, using a unique combination of scientific hand and fingerprint analysis, deep intuitive skills and practical business acumen running my own businesses for the last 21 years.
I'd love to start a conversation about whether we're a good fit to work together. Simply use this link to arrange an informal chat. There's no hard sell. Just a warm, down-to-earth conversation and a straight forward, honest assessment of whether working with me would be right for you.
I have been running my own businesses from a home office since 1996 and am passionate about business being the vehicle for our freedom. I am also deeply passionate about us each having a purpose on this planet and it's my job to help you find and live yours. I am known as the UK's No.1 Scientific Hand & Fingerprint Analyst as I introduced the system to the UK in 2010. It is the most accurate profiling tool I have encountered. I also have a masters in NLP and have studied astrology and psychology for years - getting your mind to work for you rather than against you!
My clients tell me I am a powerful kick-starter for their purpose, helping them clarify their focus and create an inspired vision aligned with their purpose. They describe me as a highly intuitive, deeply powerful, passionate, authentic and an extremely practical truth teller who makes them laugh, feel safe and free to be their true selves. I help them discover who they really are, find their true purpose, give them a spiritual blueprint for their life expression and help them create a business that is based on their life purpose, so that they can live happy, fulfilled lives without feeling like its all a struggle or just hum drum.